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KBS Vision

Korean Bible Studies (KBS) is a ministry that makes disciples of Christ through the meditation and sharing of the Word of God in small group Bible studies. 

KBS Mission Statement

KBS empowers each member to live out a full life as a true disciple through a direct fellowship with God in Christ. Although KBS usually takes the form of a small group campus ministry, its main focus is to provide a framework in biblical study foundation to help existing ministries reach their full potential. The ultimate goal of the ministry is to disciple each person to continually experience a life fully subject to Jesus Christ through in-depth meditation of the Word and active prayer. We welcome anyone, who desires to experience and know God through the Word of God, regardless of denominational background, to join KBS. 

KBS History

In 1989, KBS began in Washington D.C. as a small-group campus ministry. Over the next decade, KBS grew its presence to its bordering states, Maryland and Virginia, then, by the early 2000s, it expanded farther to New York State and Southern California. Currently, KBS has grown to more than 100 small groups, actively making disciples nationally, across more than 30 states in the U.S, and globally, in Korea and New Zealand. For every year since 2000, KBS has provided a quintessential support to KOSTA-USA by providing qualified staff and organizational prowess to facilitate small group leadership training (called jjKOSTA) before and during the conference, as well as post-conference activities such as follow-up online Bible studies that especially serves the spiritual need in many remote regions in the country. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, KBS continues to hold its small group meetings online. 

KBS Core Values

Becoming Disciples & Making Disciples

KBS believes in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, the Creator, and as our Savior. With the heart of Jesus Christ’s disciples, every KBS meeting starts with this belief and confession. KBS is a ministry led by biblically trained laymen leaders with at least two years of commitment that focuses on the transformation of an individual heart rather than external activities.

  • Prayer: KBS nurtures each of its members through intercessory prayers. 

  • Discipling: KBS disciples its members to spur their spiritual growth through prayer and studying of the Word of God to develop its core group. 

  • Evangelism: KBS reaches out to people in a creative, variety of ways with a focus on raising committed disciples rather than on attracting a large crowd. 

  • Promotion: KBS encourages its members to actively promote its ministry across many campuses. In the midst of promotion, however, KBS’s primary purpose is still building its core group based on Christ-driven relationships rather than based on event-driven promotion. 

  • Training: KBS provides customized training for long-term growth for its members. 

  • Example: KBS challenges its members to live out an exemplary life as a worshipper of God in everyday life. KBS respects each small group’s autonomy. 

  • Partnership: KBS encourages dispersed leaders globally and nationally to connect, inspire and edify each other. KBS expects its members to serve their local community church sincerely. KBS also helps its members connect with local churches. 

KBS Activities

In addition to the weekly small-group Bible study and prayer, KBS holds an annual national retreat, annual regional retreats, networking retreats, online meditation training course (MTC), and regional meetings during summer months. In addition, in order to help its members grow in Christ and encounter God on a daily basis, KBS distributes QT (Quiet Time) guidance sheets and BOY (Bible in One Year) sheets by email. Upon special requests, KBS also provides One-To-One sessions for those who want to study the Bible deeper.

  • Weekly Bible Study

  • Prayer Meeting

  • National Retreat

  • Regional Retreat

  • Networking Retreat

  • Meditation Training Course

  • Regional Meetings during Summer

  • QT/BOY sheet

  • One-To-One


 * If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, feel free to email us at

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